Privacy Policy (Android)

Uppdaterad: Jan 1st 2024

Eftersom sekretess är anledningen till att du använder vår tjänst, inser vi att vi måste bara försiktiga med vad vi kan samla in.

Insamling av data

När du besöker vår webbplats

Vi använder inte någon 3:e part spårning eller analytics tjänst, så din aktivitet på webbplatsen stannar hos oss (och din ISP). Vi använder öppen källkod från Piwik web analytics platform för att mäta användning på vår hemsida, vilken drivs på våra servrar. Piwik används för att analysera i aggregerad information om våra besökare. När din webbläsare laddar en sida på vår webbplats, körs en liten snutt JavaScript-kod i din webbläsare som skickar information som din webbläsare användaragent, språk, skärmupplösning, hänvisning webbplats och en delmängd av din IP-adress (första 3 oktetter). Vi kan placera cookies om du skulle hänvisas till oss genom vårt affiliateprogram för att kompensera den person som hänvisade dig, om du väljer att registrera dig. Affiliate personen ser inte någon av denna information.

När du registrerar dig

We only require a username and password when you signup to our service. Email can be provided if you wish to be able to recover your password in case you forget it, as well as receive periodic service updates. We use 3rd party payment processors. When you pay for a premium account, we store the transaction ID of your payment for a period of 30 days for fraud prevention purposes.

När du använder vår tjänst

When you use Windscribe, we keep the following data associated with your account:

  • Total amount of bytes transferred in a 30 day period. Bandwidth reset date is in your "My Account" section.
  • Timestamp of your last activity on the Windscribe network.

This data is used to enforce free tier limitations, prevent abuse and weed out inactive accounts.

The following data is NOT stored:

  • Historical record of VPN sessions
  • Source IP
  • Sites you visited

We are firm believer that one's browsing history should be taken to one's grave.

När du är aktivt ansluten till en server

For the duration of your connection the following is stored in server's memory. This data is immediately discarded when you disconnect:

  • OpenVPN/IKEv2 username
  • Time of connection
  • Amount of data transferred

The following data is stored in a central location:

  • Number of parallel connections at any given time to prevent rampant abuse and account sharing.
  • A counter is incremented that stores total number of bytes downloaded/uploaded in a 30 day period.

Anything that is not mentioned above is not stored.

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The following is no longer applicable to Windscribe, as we replaced a bulk of the VPN authentication/bandwidth accounting system with a bespoke one in Q2 2018, which no longer requires us to delete anything after you disconnect, as there is nothing to delete.
Vast majority if not all of VPN providers use FreeRadius for authentication and parallel connection enforcement which MOST providers have. In default mode, the "raw data" looks like this. As you see, it shows the openvpn username, server IP connected to, when the session was started, terminated, and how much data was transferred. The column titled "callingstationid", by default, has the connected user's IP address. When we still used this system, we modified our instance to not supply this information. So to check how many parallel connections a user has, you simply look in this table and check how many records exist for a single username, with no session termination timestamp. After the user's session is terminated, the record stays in the database. Unless the provider physically removes the record via a cleanup script, it will stay there forever. Providers that keep logs, store this data for 30 or more days, and then remove it... allegedly.
Our bespoke system eliminates the need for this session table entirely. This data resides only in server's memory while you're connected, and is immediately discarded by the VPN server when you disconnect. Since it doesn't get logged into a permanent database, there is nothing to delete.

När du slutar använda vår tjänst

If for some strange reason you decide not to use our service anymore, the only piece of information that will remain is your username, password and email address (if you provided it). We periodically prune inactive accounts. You can delete your account at any time in the "My Account" section.

Förfrågningar kring användardata

Since we store the bare minimum for a customer to actually use our service, any request for user data would yield nothing of value. As we do not store any historical logs on who used which IP address, and since IPs are shared by dozens/hundreds of people at any given moment, so we cannot tie any activity to a specific account.

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Ändringar av Policy

Vi kommer att göra vårt bästa för att undvika förändringar, vilket inkluderar att flytta företaget till en annan jurisdiktion. Om drastiska förändringar krävs på grund av en ras av jättespindlar som förslavar hela mänskligheten och tvingar oss att logga våra användare under hot om konsumtion, och vi inte kan fortsätta att tillhandahålla tjänsten enligt ovan nämnda villkor, så kommer användare att meddelas (med giltiga e-postkonton). Detta blir de minst av dina bekymmer, du vet, på grund av de stora spindlarna.

Sensitive Information and Permissions

In order to provide you with enhanced functionality, Windscribe VPN may request background location permissions to enable the "network whitelist" feature. This functionality is specifically designed to apply per network settings to your VPN Connection by accessing your Network SSID (Service Set Identifier).

Usage of Location Data

Your location data, including the Network SSID, is collected solely for the purpose of configuring and applying per-network settings within the Windscribe VPN application. It is important to note that your location data will remain stored locally on your device and will not be transmitted to any external servers or third parties

User Control and Choices

Before the app requests background location permissions, a prominent disclosure will be presented to you, explaining the necessity of this access for the "network whitelist" functionality. You have the option to deny this permission at any time through your device settings, providing you with full control over the access granted to our application.

Data Sharing

Under no circumstances will your location data be shared with any third party. It is strictly used for the internal functionality of Windscribe VPN as described in this section.